Closed doors, a $500,000 budget deficit, reduced hours for staff…these are just a few of the harsh realities that The Hyde Collection in Glens Falls is facing due to the pandemic. In this #CapNYRedAlert profile, Norman Dascher Jr., CEO of The Hyde Collection sat down to speak with ACE about its hardships, but also the remarkable CapNY community that has rallied around them.

Norm, when the pandemic first started, what were the immediate implications on your organization?
We closed on March 20th. Between March and our reopening on August 1st, our team converted to virtual programming. For example, our education staff has been busy putting together updated website, YouTube, and social media programming.

We haven’t had any lay offs. Initially, everyone’s hours were reduced by 50%. Then, we were able to get the PPP loan and brought everybody back to full time hours through the middle of August. The PPP loan just ran out, so we’ve reduced hours by 20% again.
It’s been a challenging situation and I really admire the creativity of our staff.
The Hyde Foundation is a nonprofit. What kind of impact has the pandemic had on its finances?

Two major fundraising events were canceled this year, which has impacted us enormously. We have a $500K budget deficient we’re striving to close. So, we reduced non-salary expenses by $250K by delaying exhibitions until 2021. And, we’re reducing staff hours by 20%, but have to raise $200K between now and the end of the year.
I’d love to say we’re 100% confident we’ll get there, but donors are being approached by numerous nonprofits. There is donor fatigue in the CapNY community, but we’re staying positive.

Norm’s Silver Linings
It’s inspiring to see how well our staff has adjusted. When we reopened, half of our staff would work from home to avoid crowding and they’ve been able to adjust well. I’m inspired by the love people have for The Hyde and how they’ve supported us thus far.
The arts community in the Capital Region is remarkable. Creative organizations have been reaching out to one another and sharing ideas on how to get through it. There is a great sense of collaboration within the region that has made this so much easier.
Connect with The Hyde Collection
Address: 161 Warren St, Glens Falls, NY 12801
Phone: 518-792-1761
FB / IG / YouTube / Twitter
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