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The Team Behind the CapNY Brand

This week, the CapNY Regional Brand Initiative was launched. The ACE team and partners have been at the forefront of this effort for over 5 years, when we first began connecting amazing places and people in all 8 counties of the Capital Region. It’s your stories, conversations and connections that built the CapNY brand. Here’s the ridiculously creative talent that built CapNY:

Also. ACE is aware of the inadvertent problems that can occur when a region takes its eye off of the people who live here, and focuses its efforts on attracting and courting outsiders. This was made clear by consultant Meredith Powell during our “Lessons from Austin” event in 2019. Meredith said something that sticks in our heads to this day – “Dance with who brung ya.” In other words, don’t forget the residents who made the region great in the first place. We’re committed to telling ALL of our stories, both new residents and old. Because you built this place. And you’re amazing.

A million thanks to all of you, for showing the world what the Capital Region is made of.

-Maureen Sager, Executive Director, ACE

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